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AN OPEN CALL CELEBRATING RESILIENCE  Tag #FromStudioLockdown  Susan, Moray, Sholto and Isbel in Lewes, Furloughed Friendship by Sarah Weal.    During this unprecedented period of isolation and lockdown, we've teamed up with EFG Art Ltd to launch @FromStudioLockdown; a project that seeks to document art being produced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.    AlbumArte Virtual Exhibition | FROM HOME - Living Time, Cultultra Covid, 2020, artist María Ángeles Vila and Alicia Herrero   Our lives have been unexpectedly and radically changed. With art fairs and exhibitions cancelled or postponed, museums and galleries closed and some artists unable to get to their studio, it has never been so important to support the creative sector. Our project aims to provide an exchange platform for artists,...

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